Hagar's Voice
Welcome to the launch of the Hagar's Voice Podcast. Here's a brief intro, backstory and the hope for this channel.If you, or someone you know, is a victim of clergy sexual abuse, we are here for you. You are not alone. Visit www.HagarsVoice.com
18 episodes
Season 2 Episode 11: Brian Lee
We are so grateful to Brian Lee, founder and director of Broken to Beloved, for his time and energy in raising his voice in support of those who have been violated by clergy abuse in all its forms. Brian shares his journey of identifying, namin...
Season 2
Episode 11

Season 2 Episode 10: Nancy Hicks
Thank you so much for joining this conversation. Nancy Hicks shares from her heart, as well as from her lived experience with grief and loss, her theological education and training, and her personal and prophetic voice for change in the church ...
Season 2
Episode 10

Season 2, Episode 9: Sherrie-Lee Petrie - Part 2
Thank you for joining us and tracking with this conversation describing ten ways to engage with someone who has been sexually violated in a religious setting: 6. Be intentional in your language: there are linguistic religious and spirit...
Season 2
Episode 9

Season 2, Episode 8: Sherrie-Lee Petrie - Part 1
Thank you for joining us and tracking with this conversation describing ten ways to engage with someone who has been sexually violated in a religious setting:The first three relate to PRE ENGAGEMENT: we can be doing these things before ...
Season 2
Episode 8

Season 2, Episode 7: Danielle Tumminio-Hansen - Part 2
Thank you so much Danielle, for your time, insight, expertise, and generosity in today’s episode. We join you in your commitment to increase knowledge about rape and sexual violation and provide language so people can name sexual violation f...
Season 2
Episode 7

Season 2, Episode 6: Danielle Tumminio-Hansen - Part 1
Thank you so much Danielle, for your time, insight, expertise, and generosity in today’s episode. We join you in your commitment to increase knowledge about rape and sexual violation and provide language so people can name sexual violation f...
Season 2
Episode 6

Season 2, Episode 5: Esther
We are so grateful to "Esther" for taking the time and energy to raise their voice and help us continue to learn what it means to be everyday advocates. To read a fuller version of "Esther's" story, check out their blog at
Season 2
Episode 5

Season 2, Bonus Episode with Angela & Alexa
We are so grateful to Alexa for her time and wisdom. We sincerely hope this empowers survivors considering court with the info they need to navigate that space with a little less harm. And that we ALL grow in our awareness in order to strategic...
Season 2
Episode 5

Season 2, Episode 4: Cassandra
This episode shares the story of a survivor who experienced abuse in two different industries and a traumatic trip through the court system. The story (and therefore episode) is long, but there are obvious breaks along the way to pace you...
Season 2
Episode 4

Season 2, Episode 3: Christie Penner Worden
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to Christie Penner Worden for returning to the podcast for some deeper learnings and a whole boatload of wisdom.Some items related to today's themes:
Season 2
Episode 3

Season 2, Episode 2: Alexa Barkley
A HUGE thank you to Alexa Barkley for her encouragement and wisdom. She has provided some resources and references that you might find helpful:Here is the article that tells a few more/different details of
Season 2
Episode 2

Season 2, Episode 1: Lori Adams-Brown
Thank you so much, Lori, for your time, insight, courage and leadership in today’s episode! We join you in your calls to action, listeners, let’s:Contact Saddleback & call for Andy to stand down (@saddlebackchurc...
Season 2
Episode 1

Episode 5: Peter's Story
Today we’re joined by Peter, a survivor who shares a bit of his story and amazing quantities of wisdom through his sober critique of the ways churches handle disclosures of clergy abuse. We are so grateful for Peter’s openness and insi...
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 4: Conversation with Danielle Strickland
In this episode we’re joined by Hagar’s Voice co-founder, Danielle Strickland. It’s an informal chat about our origin story, the original Hagar character from scripture, theologies that promote the types of abuses we’re seeing in reli...
Season 1
Episode 4

Episode 3: Christie's Story
Show Notes:In this episode Christie shares about the direct link between the narrative she received about her gender & the vulnerability that created for her to be groomed. There is so much to be gleaned from Christie’s ...
Season 1
Episode 0

Episode 2: Heather's Story
In episode 2 we hear from a pastor in a small congregation whose story of abuse was only the beginning of the pain and loss. Heather shares how her most difficult obstacle to healing was the ramifications of what happened once she disclos...
Season 1
Episode 2

Episode 1: Heidi's Story
In episode 1 of the Hagar's Voice podcast, we hear the story of Heidi, a pastor in the Four Square denomination who suffered sexual harassment from her fellow pastor (the president of Ignite Academy) and then a secondary trauma in the disclosur...
Season 1
Episode 1